Shoals Club Event

2025 Shoals Club Events

At the Shoals Club, we believe in traditions, both big and small. Memories are made at grand annual events like our Memorial Day summer kick-off and our Labor Day Members Party. They’re also made while competing on family scavenger hunts, crafting tie-dye t-shirts, or indulging in a four-course wine dinner. Make your plans now to join us for special events and activities throughout the year.

The Shoals Club’s events are open to members and their guests and guest pass holders only.

Event Accordion

8th Wednesday    Latitudes/AQUA    Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
10th     Friday Pavilion Line Dancing 3:30 pm-4:30 pm
10th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
11th Saturday Pavilion Kids Night Out 5:00 pm-7:30 pm
11th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner- Mexico 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
15th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
17th Friday Pavilion Line Dancing 3:30 pm-4:30 pm
17th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
17th Friday Latitudes Adult Music Bingo 5:30 pm
18th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner- Thailand 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
22nd Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
24th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
25th Saturday Pavilion Kids Night Out 5:00 pm-7:30 pm
25th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner-Spain 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
29th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
31st Friday Pavilion Line Dancing 3:30 pm-4:30 pm
31st Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)

1st Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner - Greece 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00pm)
5th Wednesday       Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
7th Friday Latitudes/AQUA      Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
8th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner - Jamaica 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00pm)
12th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
14th & 15th    Fri & Sat    Latitudes/AQUA    International Dinner - France 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00pm)
19th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
21st Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
22nd Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner - Japan 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
26th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
28th Friday Pavilion Line Dancing 3:30pm-4:30pm
28th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
28th Friday Latitudes Music Bingo-Begins at 5:30pm

7th Friday Pavilion Line Dancing-3:30pm-4:30pm
7th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
8th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner - Morocco 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
12th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
12th Wednesday Latitudes Dominos-5:30pm-6:30pm
13th Thursday Beach Cabana Beach Walk & Talk-9:00am-10:00am (Weather Permitting)
14th Friday Pavilion Line Dancing-3:30pm-4:30pm
14th Friday Latitudes Howl at the Moon Half Priced Appetizers 4:30pm-6:00pm
14th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
15th Saturday Latitudes Trip McCool the Traveler 4:00pm-6:00pm
15th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner - Ireland 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
19th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
19th Wednesday Latitudes Jeopardy Team Trivia-5:30pm-6:30pm
20th Thursday Beach Cabana Beach Walk & Talk-9:00am-10:00am (Weather Permitting)
21st Friday Pavilion Line Dancing-3:30pm-4:30pm
21st Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
22nd Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner -Korea 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)
26th Wednesday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
27th Thursday Beach Cabana Beach Walk & Talk-9:00am-10:00am (Weather Permitting)
28th Friday Pavilion Line Dancing-3:30pm-4:30pm
28th Friday Latitudes/AQUA Shoals Cafe 4:30 pm-7:00 pm (Last reservation/seating at 6:30 pm)
28th Friday Latitudes Music Bingo-5:30pm-6:30pm
29th Saturday Aqua Wok n' Roll Cooking Class 11:00am-2:00pm 
29th Saturday Latitudes/AQUA International Dinner -Brazil 5:30 pm- 8:30 pm (Last reservation at 8:00 pm)

2nd Wednesday Latitudes Half Price Caesar Salads (Reocurring Wednesdays through April 30) 
3rd Thursday Aqua Create Your Own Pasta Dinner Special
5th Saturday Pool Opens for the Season
Lap Swimming 9:00am-10:00am
Open Swim 10:00am-5:00pm
5th Saturday Sandbar Grille Opens for the Season
5th Saturday Pavilion Murder Mystery Dinner 5:00pm
12th Saturday Pavilion Resin Glass Art Class-10:00am- 12 noon 
12th   Saturday Latitudes/Aqua    Private Member Event; Club Closed for Dinner**
17th Thursday Aqua Prime Rib Dinner Special 5:30pm-8:00pm
19th Saturday Recreation Children's Easter Party 10:00am-2:00pm
20th Sunday Aqua Easter Brunch (11:00am-2:30pm)
25th Friday Latitudes/Aqua Private Member Event; Club Closed for Dinner**   

**Please note hours of operation are as follows on days of Private Member Events:
    Sandbar Grille Lunch Served Until 2:00pm
    Sandbar Grille Bar Open Until 3:00pm
    Pool Open Until 4:00pm
    Beach Access with Chairs and Umbrellas Available Until 5pm

3rd                Saturday                   Latitudes/Aqua           Member Private Event; Club Closed For Dinner**
8th Thursday Aqua Create Your Own Pasta Dinner Special (5:30pm-8:00pm) Last Reservation at 7:30pm)
4th Sunday Latitudes Oyster Day
10th Saturday Recreation Mother/Daughter Tea Party
11th Sunday Aqua Mother's Day Brunch A la Carte 11:00am-2:00pm
11th Sunday Aqua Lobster Dinner Special Begins (Reocurring Sundays through August 31, 2025
14th Wednesday      Latitudes/Aqua    Member Private Event; Club Closed for Dinner**
17th Saturday Latitudes/Aqua Member Private Event; Club Closed for Dinner**
19 th   Monday Latitudes Member Mondays Begin
25th Sunday Recreation Memorial Day Poolside Music & Activities

**Please note hours of operation are as follows on days of Private Member Events:
Sandbar Grille Lunch Served Until 2:00pm
Sandbar Grille Bar Open Until 3:00pm
Pool Open Until 4:00pm
Beach Access with Chairs and Umbrellas Available Until 5pm

3rd Tues Sandbar Grille Taco Tuesday Begins (through August 26)
4th Wed Latitudes Trivia Night Begins (through August 27)
5th Thu Verandahs Kid's Eat Free Night (through August 28)

Event 2 Accordion

Event 2 Accordion

4 Friday Recreation 4th of July Poolside Music & Activities (12 Noon-4:00pm)

30 Saturday Entire Club Annual Member Party - Club Closed
31 Sunday Recreation Labor Day Poolside Music and Activities  (12 Noon-4:00pm)

1st Mon Latitudes Last Member Monday
4th Thu Aqua Fried Chicken Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
11th Thu Aqua Lobster Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
13th Sat Latitudes/Aqua Private Member Event; Club Closed for Dinner **
18th Thu Aqua Prime Rib Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
25th Thu Aqua Create Your Own Pasta Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine

**Please note hours of operation are as follows on days of Private Member Events:
Sandbar Grille Lunch Served Until 2:00pm
Sandbar Grille Bar Open Until 3:00pm
Pool Open Until 4:00pm
Beach Access with Chairs and Umbrellas Available Until 5pm

2nd Thu Aqua Oktoberfest Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
9th Thu Aqua Lobster Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
16th Thu Aqua Stone Crab Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
17th Fri Latitudes/Aqua Private Member Event; Club Closed for Dinner**
23rd Thu Aqua Create Your Own Pasta Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine
25th Sat Recreation Children's Halloween Party (10:00am-12 Noon)
30th Thu Aqua Prime Rib Dinner Special and 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine

**Please note hours of operation are as follows on days of Private Member Events:
Sandbar Grille Lunch Served Until 2:00pm
Sandbar Grille Bar Open Until 3:00pm
Pool Open Until 4:00pm
Beach Access with Chairs and Umbrellas Available Until 5pm

2nd Sun Recreation Pool Closed for the Season
20th Thu Aqua Beaujolais Nouveau Dinner (6:00pm-9:00pm)
26th Wed Aqua Prime Rib Dinner Special 
27th Thu Aqua Thanksgiving A la Carte Einner (12 Noon-2:00pm)